The Evolution Of
[Star Trek: The Motion Picture]
[Up to Star Trek]
[Up to Star Trek]
Ever since I picked up a copy of "The Making of Star Trek: The Motion Picture" by Susan Sackett in 1984, I've been curious about how we got to the final movie.  After decades of research, scouring auction sites, the generosity of other fans and the occasion begging, I've finally put together a nice set of timelines and synopses that show the evolution of the movie, from it's beginnings as a possible Genesis II episode in 1973 to the 2022 Director's Cut (which I got to see with the creators!)
[1979 Star Trek: The Motion Picture Logo]
The evolution of the film from its rushed 1979 theatrical release to the final Director's Edition forty three years later.
[1978 Star Trek: The Motion Picture Logo]
Even the shooting draft went through multiple evolutions after filming started.  Specifically most of the last third of the movie.
[Star Trek II Script Logo]
A TV pilot for "Star Trek II" slowly morphs into "The Motion Picture."
[Genesis II Logo] Early influences that all melded together into the possibility of Star Trek: The Motion Picture.
Also included: A Synopsis for the Phillip Kaufmann version of Planet of the Titans.
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