[Star Trek]
The Evolution Of
[Star Trek: The Motion Picture]
The Evolution of Star Trek: The Motion Picture, from it's beginning as an episode of Genesis II to the final draft of the final draft of its final draft.
[Star Trek: Lower Decks]
The Month of Hell
A script written for the Nickelodeon Writing Program.  Didn't win, but got some decent readership on the Coverfly Sci-Fi Black List.  Probably more for the Star Trek name than the content, but I'll take what I can get.
[Star Trek: Redskirts]
What happens when you have a Starfleet security team with nothing to do for long stretches at a time?  This was the premise of Star Trek: Redskirts, a webcomic I was thinking of doing until Paramount put the kibosh on fan projects.

Coming soon.
[A Wish for Wings] [Closetspace] [SFJenn]
[Wishworld] [The Book of Xand] [The Girl in the Mirror]
[The Long Road Home] [Manpower] [The Many Lives of Genevieve]
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