October, 2002
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Sunday, September 30th, 2001
1:59p -
Deep down, I always thought it was a metaphor
Working title (and definitely NOT a final title): "A Wish for Wings that
"When I was younger, I used to believe that my wings simply never
sprouted. I knew my halo was there even if I couldn't see it. I'd look
up, and my halo would move with my head. But I was so sad my wings never
came in."
"My mother used to call me her angel, so I knew I was right. She stopped
calling me that when I grew up. She even told me to stop thinking I was
an angel. But I knew, deep in my heart, I always was one."
"My name is Andrea. And I'm an angel. I think."
And I've already got a climax and an ending...now to fill in the
I did something I hadn't
done in almost ten years. I went to the San Antonio Animation Society
meeting. I had joined the Cartoon/Fantasy Organization back around 1989,
and got to know most of the artist there pretty well. Eventually, I
became the tape librarian for a few years, and when the group became
Fans of Animation in South Texas (FAST) I really got involved, bringing
in my own VCR, TVs and even tapes to show. Eventually the group petered
out to nothing and we went from over 400 people gathering in a deluxe
four story apartmetn party room, to ten people watching an hours worth
of Japanese cartoons at a Mr. Gatti's. I went to the last even they did.
Today, some twelve years later, I went back. I only saw four people there
I recognized from the old group. One has grown up from the little kid he
was when I went, two were virtually unchanged, and one was very old,
grey and bald. The other fifty or so people were completely new.... It
was very nice to see all the fresh faces, most watching TV, others
playing video games, and even more drawing comics.
The group is much less "regulated" than the old C/FO and FAST was. Only
one of the four there seemed to recognize me, and that was a welcome
relief. I had rubbed much of the group the wrong way, being a brash
young woman who was so full of herself and thinking she would
revolutionize the comics industry (Did I ever get published? A few
times...in a support group mag :) ). So I played a few rounds of Capcom
VS SNK 2 (yes, I can't get away from that game), and Super Puzzle
Fighter. And then was treated to abeautiful story which I think gave me
my brainstorm: Risky/Safety. It's a story about a soultaker and angel in
I left when the group dispersed around 10PM, full of energy and
vibes...all the while in the back of mind, this story began to churn. It
began to split into two stories...one about a woman who thought she was
an angel, and another about an angel who wanted to be human. The second
one would have been injected into Polychron Chapter 3.
After a LONG talk with
the story solidified as a stand alone, not connected to the Polychronicon.
I was surprised to check into the back of my mind to start setting up
this story, when the character was already there. I asked her who she
was and I got that introduction you see above. Except that she told me
she thought her name might be Ariel. She was thingking about it. I began
to think of an ending, when she supplied me with one right off the back.
As well as a climax. She even decided to rename herself Andrea (After
choosing between Ariel and Sylvia). Right now she's in the back of my
mind, constructing her story...I'm looking forward to experiencing it.
I may make a webcomic out of this. Something that I can BUILD from SCRATCH
into a web comic. I need another name for the strip, though...."A Wish
for Wings that Work" is an old Bloom County TV special.
[PS Please forgive ALL my typos...it's late, and I'm exhausted from so
much story work)
current mood:
Webcomic! *is somewhat addicted to webcomics... just a wee
bit... um... yes...*
Do post the URL when it goes up. *grins* I promise readership.... |
Monday, October 1st, 2001
- No, I'm just trying to understand the culture,
not destroy it.
So i've been sitting here...waiting for this stupid machine to reload
several times over...and I've been nursing this little egg of a story in
my head.
I've seen Andrea as a little girl, going on tiptoes trying to see her
halo in the bathroom mirror. [You can see this shot in
episode #3, minus the halo] She's a cute little
girl with dead straight long hair...maybe six years old. I've also seen
her all grown up. Very statuesque, thin with short blonde hair. A first
for me. Most of my girls have very long hair. She wears little to no
makeup, and is very lonely.
Young Andrea lives in a beautiful two story house, filled with
antiquities...and mother who loves her dearly. There is no father I know
of. The older Andrea lives in an apartment in a terrible part of town,
in a small dark sparse apartment.
Young Andrea has a little "friend," a small black boy about her age who
has a love hate relationship with her. He thinks her quest is silly, and
tries to help out through the years as they grow up. And he will, he
really will. [This character has since disappeared, and been
rewritten as Iblael, a future antagonist]
I've also gotten a few hints at the story she is making...and while I
used to think we'd only see the little Andrea at the beginning, I'm
beginning to think we'll see her grow up into an adult, instead of just
zooming through the years or flashing back. The things I've been shown
so far, are amazing. I wish I could have it all planned out so I could
start drawing it up...but it's not done yet.
She's also given me two extra stories as sequels, with the "middle" one
optional since it might tread a bit too close to another story I've
I'm really excited at the story, and want to see more. This is the
fastest a story has "clicked" since I wrote Closetspace. I may have a
sketch of young and old Andrea by tomorrow. I'm getting the drawing
I still have no name for the story. I'm considering "The Last Angel" and
"A Wish for Wings that Work" just won't go away...I can't use it, but it
sure looks nice. :)
Oh...and I can see her with the wings she wants. She's beautiful....
current mood:
current music:
Susanne Vega - Caramel
Tuesday, October 2nd, 2001
11:59p -
I certainly will not be the only person to feel the need to respond
to this.
The rest of the day was
spent working on the Angel Story...another set of titles have popped up:
"The Best of Both Worlds" "Wind Beneath my Wings" "Wingspan" and
"Gunfight at the OK Corral." I'm still up for titles from the peanut
gallery, if y'all have any other title ideas.
I was thinking about how I would dress up this character. What would a
woman who thought she was an angel wear? I mean, sure, she could do the
whole wrapped in white linen gown stuff, but that doesn't bode too well
as a waitress (She told me today she worked as a waitress), or walking
down the street to get groceries...so I couldn't figure out what kind of
clothing she'd wear. I asked her myself, but all she came up with was
the Typical Angel Garb.
So I sat down to think about what to do with her, and turned on the TV for
background noise. Immediately, I hear the Three Stooges theme song. I'm
not a big fan of the Stooges...I can find them funny, yeah, but I only
take it in small doses. Anyways, I look at it, and basically, God
(played by Moe of all people) is telling Shemp he has to go back and
reform Moe and Larry. God's secretary walks up, and she's wearing the
Typical Angel Garb, but it's done in a very 40s flair, belted more akin
to a skirt and blouse. And that fabulous 40s hair. Is it just me or did
the 1940s have some seriously dapper outfits? Female AND male?
Whle moving around some stuff downstairs, I found some quincan~era dolls
my mom is going to give to my cousin in a few weeks. They were three
angels, dressed int heir Sunday finest. IT was very fairytale looking,
but with some slightly more simple lines, and a lot less frills, you'd
have somehting you can wear everyday....
But it was
this picture (scroll down to 11:35PM) on Eliza's page that popped me
in the head. It's a reallly ruffled tanktop. And a bloused out
skirt...maybe made in to flared shorts. Perfect
Other news on the Angel Story front is the next door neighbors kid's name
is Roger. Originally he told me it was Franklin, but we decided that we
should nix that idea...Franklin was the black kid on the Charlie Brown
strip, and considering Roger is also black, I decided against the name.
He came up with Roger on his own. He has a father, but no mother. The
father doesn't like Franklin hanging out with Andrea...this needs some
serious exploring.
I also say down and sketched out the characters...Young Andrea looks very
cute, and a lot like my Unofficial Niece Hanna, which seriosuly rocks
because Hanna's personality fits Young Andrea so well that I don't doubt
my subconscious latched onto her when the charactrers formed up. I drew
out Grown Andrea as well, and her hairstyle is really hard to draw...now
I know why all my characters have long hair. :)
Some strangeness that came from the doodling session, though, was Middle
Andrea, who just simply popped up from nowhere and told me to draw her.
I see now why Older Andrea needed short hair, and Young Andrea had long
hair. There's a story with Middle Andrea forming.
And that's my day in a nutshell. I'm really digging this whole Angel
Story. I love watching a story unfold...especially one that I can
seriosuly mold into something that can be started inside of a month.
current mood: dry
current music:
Susanne Vega - Honeymoon Suit
Wednesday, October 3rd, 2001
5:51a -
No ordinary shmoe can just walk up here and start dealing.
(silently reciting
under her breath)
I want to be an angel,
And with the angels stand
A crown upon my forehead
A harp within my hand.
(from a quote by Urania Locke Bailey)
current mood: I
feel as dry as jerky.
5:21p -
Okay, peeps. I can't do an
official poll since I don't have a paid account (not yet,
anyways...believe me, as soon as I get ANY money, I'm planning on
buying a permanent place in Livejournal), so I'd love for you to
vote by leaving a comment on this entry.
What do you think would be a good title....
A girl grows up believing she is an angel without wings.
"When I was younger, I used to believe that my wings simply never
sprouted. I knew my halo was there even if I couldn't see it. I'd
look up, and my halo would move with my head. But I was so sad my
wings never came in."
"My mother used to call me her angel, so I knew I was right. She
stopped calling me that when I grew up. She even told me to stop
thinking I was an angel. But I knew, deep in my heart, I always was
"My name is Andrea. And I'm an angel. I think."
A Harp Within my Hand
A Wish for Wings that Work (This is the title of an old Bloom County
TV Special)
A Wish for Wings
Angel Andrea
Earth Angel (This is the title of a song)
Grounded Angel
The Best of Both Worlds (This is the title of a Star Trek Next
Generation episode)
The Last Angel
The Lonliest Angel
Tilted Halo
Wind Beneath My Wings (I think this is the title of a song)
Wings (Also the name of a TV series)
And, of course, any titles you can think of that you think would
There are no winners in this poll...just a hint at which way I
should be pointing to for a title. Personally, I'm leaning real
heavily towards "A Harp within my Hand" and "A Wish for Wings."
But I suck with titles. :) The original eight titles of the
Polychronicon were pretty silly. Closetspace used to be known as "A
Different Perspective." I can do episodes titles, but not series
titles. :) At least, not well....
What do you, the viewer at home, think?
current mood:

"The Wish for Wings"?
"Guardian Angel"? |
(Anonymous) |
I love the way the story is sounding, and I can't wait for it
to take shape. As for the title, my vote would have to be for
"Wingspan." It evokes not only the image of wings, but wings
that are spread and ready for flight. Watch a large bird, like a
swan or a pelican, spread its wings some time. It's genuinely
Nathan |
9:01p -
When you die, your soul is released into the network to guide little packets
on their way to their destination. Or, if you've been bad, you're put to
work lettering documents in one of the printers.
Young, Teenage and Older Andrea.
current mood:
11:59p -
We're bringing the risks of online banking to
projectile weaponry.
The rest of the day was
working on the story...there is now a third and fourth character
forming. Perhaps both will be later combined. Anyways, as of right now,
her name is Celeste. The other is a male, Andrew. Andrew will definately
cause some story changes...as will Celeste. [Celeste eventually
became the character Hanna, named from the daughter of a friend. Andrew
eventually became Michael (not the Angel, but the character Andrea
mentions in the
second episode)]
2 votes for "A Harp Within My Hand"
2 votes for "A Wish for Wings That Work."
1 vote for "The Wish for Wings"
1 vote for "Tilted Halo"
"Angel's Hair"
"Angel's Hair & Baby's Breath"
"Angelfood Cake"
"Fallen Angel"
"Falling Angel"
"From Heaven"
"Healing Power of Obnoxiousness"
"Immaculate Misconception"
"The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed-Up
"Tim Burton's Angeljuice."
current mood:

Personally, I'd like to see a separate story on "Tim Burton's
Angeljuice." It sounds delightfully macabre ... :) |

wahl ... I suck at titles too ... but for some reason "Andrea
Angel" sticks in my mind.
Of the existing choices, I'd vote for .... ummmmm...
*stressing over having to decide*
But ... that has an overtone of eerie Goth wisps of grace
through fallenness. Does that make sense? It make have a
connotation other than what the finished product will deliver.
so ... an alternate ...
*stressing again*
(did I ever mention that I almost never have favorite characters
in books, movies or tv shows??)
Tilted Halo
Only because the other top choices sound more like a children's
story, or a parable or something along those lines. Of course,
if that's what it's gonna be, then I'd go with ...
*aw geez*
The Wish for Wings
Probably due to the fact that I am a rabid Bloom County
fan/addict/freak ... but it's so close to A Wish for Wings That
Work that it might have to be changed a little more, I dunno,
I'm a bit sensitive to things like plagiarism ...
so howzabout "Wishes for Wings" or something similar? Does
Andrea have frequent wishes for wings, or just one?
There's just too much to consider. Sheesh ... makes ya wonder
how I ever write a headline, doesn't it?????
hope that helped :) |

no ... wait ... how about "Wishing for Wings?" I really really
like that one. Yeah.
d'ya see now why I chose to refrain from answering your request
for assistance? ;) |

(Anonymous) |
'A Harp Within my Hand' at least is a great sounding working
Strangelv, who really needs to get back to worlking on the
background for _Incomplete Backup_ or trying to find mus-icians
for _See No Evil Hear No Evil Stop No Evil,_ but is too busy
attempting to code in C++, which he is not fluent in... |
Thursday, October 4th, 2001
6:06p -
Earth is dangerous. Maybe we should sue the manufacturer.
5 votes for "A Wish for Wings" (Votes for "A Wish for Wings that
Work" have been moved here)
3 votes for "A Harp Within My Hand"
3 votes for "Tilted Halo"
1 vote for "Andrea Angel"
1 vote for "Seraphim"
1 vote for "Tim Burton's Angeljuice." ::sigh::
1 vote for "Wingspan"
"Angel's Hair"
"Lost soul"
TENTATIVE ALTERNATE TITLES (Maybe future episode titles):
"Angel's Hair & Baby's Breath"
"Angelfood Cake"
"Celestial Exchange Program"
"Fallen Angel"
"Falling Angel"
"From Heaven"
"Grounded Angel"
"Heaven's Prisoner"
"Halo: The Wings of Fate" (No.)
"Healing Power of Obnoxiousness" (No.)
"Immaculate Misconception" (Rejected only because I (and Andrea)
don't really know if she is a true angel or not, and the title might
be seen as definitive)
"L'Angelique" (Name of a person who has been evil to me)
"My So-called Halo." (No.)
"The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became
Mixed-Up Angels" (No.)
current mood:
er ...if that solitary vote for Tim Burton's Angeljuice is the
result of my musings ... feel free to remove it from the list of
names with votes ... I'd vote for it if the story were about
something totally different. I'd just wanna explore his perception
of angeljuice, whatever that might be ... something strange ... but
definitely not anything to do with Andrea :)
so if ya wanna take it off the list, oh please do so :) |
I would take it off the list, but I've decided the title I wanna
use. And the next two titles for the sequels, shouyls there ever be
Please don't get mad at me for the next entry. ;) |
Mad? Mad?
I thought it was funny! :) And very silly, which I appreciated. I
have a defiviency of silly in my diet... |
Friday, October 5th, 2001
4:15p -
Sorry, that's ham-speak for Russian over-the-horizon missle early
warning radar which splatters into the SW bands so that it sounds
like there is a woodpecker pecking away in your speakers,
overpowering Dr. Laura.
>er ...if that solitary vote for Tim Burton's Angeljuice is the result
of my musings ... feel
>free to remove it from the list of names with votes ... I'd vote for it
if the story were
>about something totally different. I'd just wanna explore his
perception of angeljuice,
>whatever that might be ... something strange ... but definitely not
anything to do with
>Andrea :)
>so if ya wanna take it off the list, oh please do so :)
I would, but...we have a winner in the title contest!!!
[Sadly, the picture no longer exists, but was the Animated version of
Lydia in Angel colors with the title "Tim Burton's Angeljuice"]
Okay okay....the real title and a splash picture will be up in a few
days.... :)
Please stop hitting me. :)
current mood:
11:59p -
you'd think they'd never seen a man with a plant
And the title is...

Picture removed cause I could do so much better. [The above sketch
was what was originally here.]
I'm not particularly happy with this pic...but then again, I'm never
happy with any of my stuff. So I'll post it anyways, and hope to
high heaven I get better between HERE and THERE.
Two sequels to this story have presented themselves...those titles
will be "Tilted Halo" and "Harp Within My Hand."
I've also started planning out the basic gist of the story.
Originally it would have been pretty linear, starting with Young
Andrea as she grows up. I've decided to spice it up a bit and have
Andrea mostly writing bits and pieces of her life story. So we'll be
able to backtrack to Middle Andrea, then Young Andrea and Grown
Andrea....this way we can get to know everyone faster. It'll still
be mostly linear, though, starting with Young Andrea, with more
flashbacks, and out-of-sequencing stories coming later.
The rest of the day was spent drawing, and redrawing, the above poster.
I haven't drawn anything straight from "memory" in forever. usually I
pose with a digital camera and draw from that...but I can see that my
style has seriously deteriorated in the decade since I've given up on
comics. I'm hoping I can regain some of the style I had before...I'm way
outta practice.
I was considering doing the daily strip in color, but after today, no
thanks. :) It took longer to color the drawing than to draw it...so I'll
stick with B&W. Maybe grey tones....maybe.
BTW, the Angeljuice thingy was made with the font "Xtraflexidisc" which
you can find at www.larabiefonts.com.
current mood:

Wow. Cool. :) Go Jen! |

Thanks! :)
I really didn't like the picture I originally drew...so I re did
it...you can see it farther up. Man, I hope I can get this
going. :) |
Saturday, October 6th, 2001
4:02a -
We can always teach the kid to have emotions.
I think I know what is
inspiring this story.
My computer is in my dad's office...which my mother (surprise,
surprise) has taken over. Right now The Mexican Martha Stewart (I
say this with utmost repect...my Mom is one helluva craftswoman) is
making a whole bunch of quincan~era (Sweet 15/Debut Party for you
non-Mexicans) table decorations. I count eighteen angels staring at
When eighteen angels are staring at you, it's best not to argue with
them. :)
current mood:
5:22p -
I would sooner date a Republican!
I removed the picture.
Why? It really sucked. I've already started redrawing it, and it's MILES
better. It will be up tonight.
current mood:
11:59p -
And I always trust what I find outside my hotel
room door.
Take two:

[The version originally on the page was colored and lettered.]
Much better......
current mood:

Oooo.. niiiiice.....
I need to 3d render that ;) |

Please do!
All I ask is that you keep a (c) 2001 Jennifer Dolari in a
visible part of the image.
I'd love to see it. :) |

MUCH better ...
See? You can do it ^_- |

Just wait. :) It gets better tomorrow. :)
Everyone gets a little teaser as to what is coming, most likely
in December. :)
Sunday, October 7th, 2001
11:59p -
"Cres" is the phrase's plural subroot modifier.
"Cent" is the pronoun's past bicuspid singular predicate. "Fresh" is
the dual adjective conjunctive prefix. As in, "HEY! Check out these
crescent fresh skulls in my salad!"
I woke up Staurday, alive,
refreshed and in a general good mood. I didn't get out of the room,
however, and just kinda lounged around. I got on the internet using
my Dreamcast and went over to the Livejournal plage to look at the
picture of the Andreas...and to my suprise...IT LOOKED HORRIBLE.
Some people would blame the Dreamcast...I mean, c'mon, a video game
system being used to browse the internet and show it on your TV?
YUCK! But it wasn't the colors or anything...it was the one problem
that has hounded me since I put pen to paper. I CANNOT do symmetry.
The right side of a face never matches the left...the eyes don't
match. Which is why 99% of the time, I never draw a person staring
directly at the viewer...but the picture demanded that someone look
right into the eyes of the viewer. The face was way too relaxed and
Andrea looked stoned. The hair was drawn too shaggy. Older Andrea
looked very fat. Meh. I erased it.
I began drawing up a new one, in a much more anime style...and
decided to do a more gradual lightening of Andrea's hair...three
colors per element. I only got as far as redrawing the head when I
decided I needed to really get up.
Thankfully, I managed
to get away for a second, and grabbed my sketchbook. I finished up the
sketch, and inked it up...and I noticed my uncle's little girl was
watching me. I gave her a few sheets of paper, and she worked on some
drawings too. It was stuff you'd see from a seven year old, but very
very cool. She loves drawing, and I hope she keeps it up better than I
Everyone went to bed,
except for me. I scanned the picture in and then realized I didn't like
that one neither. Eyes were still skewed, heads didn't look right, and I
came THIS close to deleting it and starting over
One day, in State College, Deener took a buncha pictures of me, holding
a stick. I wanted to scan those in and draw in a lightsabre. Deener made
a quote along the lines of "You're not ILM."
Like heck I ain't. ;)
I looked over the image. I raised up Older Andrea's head, cloned an eye
here, and moved an eye there. Reshaped a face and POW, I love it. :)
Colored it in, made it all nice and posted it. It ROCKS. I also gave
people who helped in naming the series a present.
Around 10PM I started
working on a test strip for A Wish for Wings...just to see what I could
do storywise. I had always written for a full fledged 28 page comic,
with scripts and drafts...this time, I was just putting pen to paper and
trying to stick it all in three panels per day. So I figured, what the
heck, let's just fly with the pencil, edited it in Paint Shop Pro (lots
of cloning, moving and tweaking) again, did some cheapo greyscale
shading and threw it all into Pagemaker.

Imahe removed becuase it's been lovelingly updated. Look up to October
9th, 11:59 PM
[The original sketch here was the basis for the three panels that
appeared here]
I still need to figure out why the panels aren't coming up correctly
from Pagemaker...but this little experiment has taught me I need to
make tha panels I actually draw MUCH bigger, since the penstrokes
are WAY too thick. Plus it looks too much like Jackie Chan
Adventures, so I need to add more detail, maybe some photorealistic
textures for the walls and backgrounds to try and get a more
detailed look to it.
I'm not ILM indeed.... :)
current mood:
current music:
Sifl & Olly - English Song (Bad English)
Monday, October 8th, 2001
11:59p -
When it comes to dairy confectionaries, I accept NO
Hey, Elenderel! Andrea is
No entry today...you'll see why tomorrow. :)
current mood:
thoughts from a lefty
elenderel |
Way cool! What's her handwriting like? Is she good with scissors
and can openers? How long'd it take her to learn how to tie her
shoelaces ... or does she use velcro? What kind of pencil does she
use to write/draw with, if she draws -- different kinds leave
different smears on the edge of the hand. If she's anything like me,
she is completely incapable of starting a lawn mower, no matter how
strong she is. Are her parents or grandparents lefties? (My father
was, as were both my maternal grandparents ... and so is my nephew.)
How aggravated does she get with those one-piece desks at school
that are right-oriented? Is she the type to seek out the leftie-only
websites to order the left-handed measuring cups and ladles, or does
she not care? Is she remotely concerned about driving a manual
transmission car (the stick's on the right)? Does anyone pick on her
for her leftiness? Do refrigerator door handles make her crazy? If
she has a computer, does she share it with righties who insist on
switching the mouse around? |
some thoughts from a lefty
jenndolari |
Meh, AOL isn't allowing me to post this really long subjkect
because AOL is a wimpy internet provider. My shell account limits me
to a certain numbe rof lines to post...so...I'm gonna break this up.
Here goes. :)
>Way cool!
Yeah, I kinda thought so, too. When I first looked in on her, and
asked her to show me the intro she had in mind, she reached up to
her wings with ehr left hand, then later, threw an object favoring
her lefthand. And flat out asked her why, and she mentioned she was
left handed. Funky, eh?
Plus this can really get into cool stories where "Lefties are
considered unholy, or evil or at least un-angelic."
I had a friend anmed Victoria who was ambidexterous...but
originally was left handed. Her family was very religious and
refused to let her use her left hand. Y'all really get picked on,
you know that? :)
to this) (Parent)
with Andrea Pt 1 :)
jenndolari |
As for your questions, I think I'll let Andrea answer them
herself. I need to figure out her writing style as it is. :) She'll
be writing in Italics.
Hi. Um...thanks for the questions. I'm not really used to this,
but I'll try and answer them. I'm still learning most of these
things myself.
>What's her handwriting like?
I think I have some really awful handwriting compared to my
friends. It's very large and loopy and slants to the right. I try to
make up for it by writing in cursive all the time.
>Is she good with scissors and can openers?
I can't stand scissors. When I was a little girl, my mother
bought me a set of rounded left handed scissors. As I grew up, I
used to buy left handed scissors, but made sure that my rounded ones
were where I could always get to them, because, well, you know how
scissors dissapear. About three years ago I simply gave up them and
started using X-Acto knives. |
with Andrea Pt 2 :)
jenndolari |
I have a right handed electric can opener my mom left me. It
took me a while, but I learned how to use it. I point the handle
away from me, put the can in with my right and push down on the
handle with my left. It's annoying, but it works. I keep saying I'm
gonna buy a left handed one...but I'm just too busy.
>How long'd it take her to learn how to tie her shoelaces ... or
does she use velcro?
I learned to tie my shoes when I was a kid, but I hardly ever
wear shoes with laces. When I do buy shoes with laces, I like to
take them out...then I usually take the laces, tie them together and
play with them. :)
>What kind of pencil does she use to write/draw >with, if she
draws -- different kinds leave >different smears on the edge of the
I usually write with a standard #2 pencil, and I really don't
know how to draw very well, unless stick figures count. I don't know
if you write like this, since I really don't know any other
left=handed people, but I hunker over my paper and write with my
forearm almost hugging the outside of the paper.
Once, while I was at school, a teacher asked me to write an answer
on our overhead projector with one of those dry erase type markers
they use. I got about two words in before I realized I was erasing
my own answer. |
with Andrea Pt 3 :)
jenndolari |
>If she's anything like me, she is completely incapable of
starting a lawn mower, no matter how strong she is.
My mom never let me mow the lawn, she always did it herself
because her lawn was her pride and joy. After she died, I tried to
get people to do the lawn for me, since I really didn't know how.
When I lost the house, my only relief was I'd never have to try and
start that thing again.
>Are her parents or grandparents lefties? (My father was, as were
both my maternal grandparents ... and so is my nephew.)
I don't know too much about my family, but as far as I know,
I'm the only one. But I only really know another uncle and his son.
>How aggravated does she get with those one-piece desks at school
that are right-oriented?
I used to see those on TV, but I never had one myself. The ones
we had in elementary school were tables and seperate chairs. In
middle and high school, they were these chairs welded into tables.
So I never had any more problems than anyone else did. |
Q&A with Andrea Pt 3 :)
elenderel |
Lucky you!! My school just had the one-piece chair and desk
units, and maybe if I was lucky there'd be a token lefty desk in a
classroom. More often than not, though, I had to contort myself to
be able to use the book-sized desktop surface. Maybe the world's
advancing with baby steps, after all :) |
Q&A with Andrea Pt 3 :)
jenndolari |
Book sized? No...there were somewhat big desks. Thet table
part of it was about the size of an open tabloid newspaper.
I don't think Andrea has gone to college, though, and I had those
desks in college. How in the heck any lefty got work done in those
things baffles me. :) |
with Andrea Pt 4 :)
jenndolari |
>Is she the type to seek out the leftie-only websites to order
the left-handed measuring cups and ladles, or does she not care?
I had a bad experience with the Internet when I first got onto
it at a friends house. I don't think I'll need to use it again. This
is the first time I've used the Internet since then, and I never
used it again in my story.
I don't have any left handed ladels or kitchen tools, just the
ones mom gave me, which she said used to belong to my grandmother. I
never knew my grandmother, but I hope I'm doing her proud.
>Is she remotely concerned about driving a manual transmission car
(the stick's on the right)?
If I do get a car, it will probably be an automatic. No one
ever taught me to drive a stick-shift, and...frankly...I'm a little
intimidated by cars and buses. I walk or bike to work when I can,
and take the bus when it rains. I will probably need to get a car
one day, but right now, I'm too busy trying to make ends meet.
>Does anyone pick on her for her leftiness?
My friend Roger used to pick on me for being lefthanded a lot.
He used to tell me angels couldn't be left handed because lefties
were evil. He wasn't really going on about me being left handed...he
just thought that I was silly for being an angel. |
with Andrea Pt 5 :)
jenndolari |
>Do refrigerator door handles make her crazy?
No, why should they?
>If she has a computer, does she share it with righties who insist
on switching the mouse around?
I have a computer, and it's an older one. I use it for working
around the house mostly. I do my budget on it, I write letters to
friends on it, I play some games mom bought me as a kid. It doesn't
have a mouse, though, and it's not as fancy as the one Jenn uses.
Jenn tells me, though, that her mother is right handed, but uses
the mouse with her left hand. How strange is that?
Wow, that was fun? Can I do it again? |
Q&A with Andrea Pt 5 :)
jenndolari |
Wow, that was fun! Can I do it again?
I need a better ISP first. :) |
Q&A with Andrea Pt 5 :)
elenderel |
The thing I've noticed with refrigerators is that they're
generally designed to open with right-handed people in mind ... your
natural inclination is to reach with the left hand to open it, but
the swing of the door goes the opposite direction. Steve's old
fridge did not have an open handle on it (meaning, you couldn't wrap
your hand around the handle to grab it, but had to pull on a raised
horizontal handle that was bolted to the door) and it swung to the
right ... I had the hardest time with it. I'd constantly go to open
it with my left hand but it just didn't work out until I remembered
to use my right hand, but since my right hand's not as strong as my
left I had some difficulty opening it. We finally got a new fridge
... one with an open handle that I can come to terms with ... So I
was wondering if you ran into the same sort of thing at home. |
Q&A with Andrea Pt 5 :)
jenndolari |
All my refridgerators have been open handled, and I've really
not had any problems with them...but I've never known any other
of refridgerator.
In my own life, the opened handled fridges are all I've ever had -
until I just moved back home, and it has one of those bolted strips.
I can see where they'd suck. :) But I'm willing to forgive it
because it makes crushed ice. :) |
Tuesday, October 9th, 2001
11:59p -
The Shattered Reflection, Part One
And so it begins....

Coming to a web browser near
you in December.
current mood:
current music:
Radiohead - Optimistic |